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Logo Design Contest for India’s Chairmanship of the SCO

Logo Design Contest for India’s Chairmanship of the SCO
Start Date :
May 12, 2022
Last Date :
May 30, 2022
23:00 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
View Result Submission Closed

Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) invites logo designs for forthcoming India’s Chairmanship of the SCO. ...

Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) invites logo designs for forthcoming India’s Chairmanship of the SCO.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a regional multilateral organization comprising 8 Member States, namely India, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan. Besides economic, trade and cultural cooperation, the SCO is a useful multilateral platform for cooperation in countering terrorism and illicit drug trafficking.

In September 2022, India will assume the Chairmanship of the SCO Council of Heads of State for the first time since becoming a full-fledged member of the organization. The year-long Chairmanship will culminate in the SCO Summit.

The basic theme of our Chairmanship is ‘Towards a SECURE SCO’. This was proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his address at the SCO Heads of State Summit in 2018. The acronym ‘SECURE’ includes 'S' for security for citizens; 'E' for economic development; 'C' for connectivity in the region; 'U' for unity; 'R' for respect of sovereignty and integrity, and; 'E for environment protection.

Logo Design Criteria

i. The logo should incorporate and prominently reflect the SCO logo;
Click here for SCO Logo
ii. The title of the logo should capture that India is hosting its first-ever Chairmanship of SCO Council of Heads of States;
iii. The logo must be submitted in 2 language versions i.e in Hindi and in English
iv. The theme, ‘Towards a SECURE SCO’, may be used as an idea to create the logo;
v. The logo may represent national symbols, architecture, India's achievements etc. or reflect the rich cultural heritage of our nation.
vi. The logo design may include artistic expressions of colour combination/arrangements in the national tricolour.

Prizes for the winners

The winner shall get Rs. 75,000/-. Three consolation prizes of Rs. 10,000/- each will be given on the recommendation of the Selection Committee. The prize money will be payable after the deduction of TDS.

Last date of submission is 30 May 2022.

Click here to read Terms & Conditions and Technical Parameters

Under Review